Draymond Green Was On The Receiving End Of His Patented Dick Kick And He Wasted No Time Calling Out The NBA

Jason Miller. Getty Images.

Draymond Green is known for a lot of things. He's one of the greatest defenders of his generation, he's a 4x champ, he talks his shit, he's the most important Warrior not named Steph Curry, and there may not be a thing he loves more on the court than kicking opposing players directly in the dick. 

He's had a career filled with questionable kicks/punches/etc, but the kick to the groin is definitely his favorite. What I always found funny about those plays is not only does Draymond never seem to apologize for it, he always seems to deny that it even happened in the first place, as if everything isn't caught in 4K.

Which brings me to what happened yesterday in the Warriors/Nets game. Early in the first quarter, Draymond Green found himself in a similar dick kicking situation, only this time he was on the wrong end of it

I mean, that had to hurt. That Jarrett Allen kick was as vintage Draymond as it gets. A direct hit like you read about. Some might call that karma for everything Draymond has done with that exact move, but at the end of the day getting hit in the nuts like that sucks, no matter who it happens to. I can imagine Steven Adams may have had a nice chuckle about it though for obvious reasons. 

Interestingly enough, nothing happened. There was no foul. No tech. No flagrant, no nothing. Is that fair? Depends. If Draymond had been the one to kick Jarrett Allen like that, you know there would be some sort of foul/flagrant/tech for it. That's what happens to repeat offenders. But Allen got off with nothing, which of course didn't exactly sit well with Draymond

I mean, he does kind of have a point. We've seen Draymond get ejected for similar plays, so it is a bit hypocritical for nothing even close to that to happen to Allen. Is it just because it was Draymond getting a taste of his own medicine that the refs let it go? Maybe they thought it was mostly incidental compared to Draymond's plays which always seem more intentional. Who knows. But in the spirit of being fair, I think Draymond has a case here. It wouldn't surprise me if Allen was hit with like a $25K fine after the fact or something, but seeing as how the Warriors lost the game, you could make the argument that doing nothing in the moment whether it was a flagrant or an ejection may have played a factor in how the game shook out.

Unfortunately for Draymond, it seems like he is simply suffering as a result of his own actions. Is that fair? Probably not. Just because he loves to kick people in the dick and then gets penalized for it doesn't mean other players should be allowed to kick him in the dick and get off with nothing. We live in a society. There are rules. You shouldn't be kicking people in the dick on the basketball court. That's true for Draymond, that's true for Allen, that's true for all players really. 

At the same time, I imagine few fans are going to feel bad for Draymond given his history. That doesn't make him wrong though. If anything this probably empowers him to do it again to someone else since now the league is telling him it's basically OK to do. That means everyone should be on high alert whenever they play the Warriors for the rest of the year. 

Players should probably keep their head on a swivel and I'm not talking about the one above the shoulders. That next Draymond kick is coming at some point.

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